Productive Mini-Surges

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Are you constantly losing focus and struggle to get things done?

Imagine what it would feel like to no longer feel overwhelmed or constantly behind.

Sounds like a pipe dream, am I right?? 

But what if it wasn’t?

What if I could share with you the system I use to help me get (and stay) focused even when I’m feeling a ton of resistance and completely unmotivated- when all I want to do is put off my tasks and get lost in social media.

The power of this system will help you go from…

Completely Overwhelmed to All Done!

With just one short, but super actionable video or audio workshop (just 23 minutes) and a few tracking pages (or the included Notion template), you can learn how to stop procrastinating and start getting things done- in less time than you think!  

In less than an hour, start a simple routine for tracking small bursts of focused productive time (followed by plenty of breaks to refresh), allowing you to make the most of every precious minute you have. Learn the process of prioritizing your tasks, focusing your energy for short periods of time, and how to complete your important tasks as efficiently as possible.

Don’t have a lot of time? That’s ok too! This system is built for you! Use what you have- when you have it- (even if it’s just 10 minutes at a time!) 

Say goodbye to days, weeks, and months of feeling guilty, stressed, and exhausted from an endless to-do list (that never seems to get smaller).

Can you imagine how good that would feel?

Workshop includes:

  • Video training on “The Pomodoro Method”- the system I use to get (and stay) focused even when I’m feeling unfocused, unmotivated, and a whole lot of resistance. In small micro-surges in any length of your choosing (followed by short breaks to refresh), you’ll get more done than if you try to push yourself to work for several hours at a time. Learn the process and set up (and test out!) your whole system in less than a single hour! Perfect for a single weekend! (Video length: 23 minutes) 
  • Workbook tracking pages to plan and reflect on what your system needs and how to implement it for yourself. Record your needed tasks, track your pomodoro sessions, and evaluate your progress along the way to enhance your progress and scale your system to fit your unique needs. (Workbook length: 5 pages.)
  • Printable Poster of the 5 step Pomodoro session to post as a visual reminder of how to complete the system. Don’t want to print it? Use it as a wallpaper on your phone! 
  • Notion Template to track in detail all your tasks and pomodoro sessions, as well as goals you’d like to achieve, priorities to focus on, and notes you want to remember throughout your pomodoros and your day. Completely customizable to fit your individual needs, style, and circumstances. (Complete Notion tutorial coming soon.) 
  • Audio-only MP3 of the training for listening on the go. 
  • Transcript of the entire training to read, print, or highlight. Workshop slides for later reference.
  • PDF Of all Slides used in the workshop presentation.